
Isn't it just simply nerve hitting when you are peacefully enjoying your smoke in mental isolation and a passerby gives you the look as if you are just asked him for his kidney's? Why don't they realize that by smoking you are the one who is putting your own life in danger and they have nothing to risk rather than the effects of passive smoking? Well how harmful could passive smoking be after all? Even if it is as harmful as regular smoking, who really care? You have a pair of lungs and a single liver, that's why you would rather go for smoking regularly rather than occasional drinking. Since it is a pair of lungs, you prefer to let them burn bit by bit every day. Don't you? 

Feel free to correct me but I know you won't electronic cigarette juice, because at the end of the day, you are very well aware of the fact that everything that I have stated above is nothing but the truth. Why do you want to face all the adverse effects of smoking when you have the option of getting the similar pleasure as smoking without all the risks and all you need to do for that is leave tobacco cigarettes and switch to e cigarettes or also known as vapor cigarettes.
For the ones who are unaware of the existence of a product as such, kindly don't bother Google, rather just keep reading further. E cigarettes or e cigs are electronic cigarettes that operate with an aid of a battery which when lit up begins to burn the liquid nicotine. Oh my bad..!! I never told you how exactly would you be enjoying the e cigs. Well e cigs contain nicotine in liquid form which when burnt with the help of the installed battery, and inhaled in gives you the hit that you crave for. On an average basis buying 20 tobacco cigarettes everyday will cost you approximately 200 rupees and the pleasure from those will not last for more than five minutes, however e cigs are relatively cheaper and have proven to give the hit for a way longer period of time. e cigs contain liquid nicotine which tend to work as nicotine patches and also aid people in quitting smoking. However it is to be ensured that e cigs are used as alternatives to tobacco cigarettes and not in addition to them. Now, the most important question of all.!! How safe are they really? Well I won't lie to you, not because I know that you have done your research but because I don't find it ethical. E cigs are not approved and are even being banned by a large number of cities but I chose to answer your question with another question. Why is it that expensive drugs are prescribed by doctors when medicines that are of similar quality and of lower price available? I believe you have your answer loud and clear. Think over it..!!
That's why Electronic Cigarettes are best alternative for those who want to quit smoking best nuts flavored e juice.

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